Thousands of Netflix Users Canceled Their Subscriptions. Here’s How to Quit

    You can cancel your Netflix account on a computer or mobile device.
    Sarah Tew/CNET

    Today is National Streaming Day, and for some, Netflix isn’t on the list of services they’ll be using to watch their favorite shows. The streaming video giant last month?reported the loss of 200,000 subscribers?in the first quarter of 2022. The company had previously projected an?increase of 2.5 million subscribers for that period.
    Why are so many people leaving Netflix? The decline of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions is one big reason — folks formerly limited to streaming video at home now have more entertainment options available such as eating out, attending concerts or?watching movies in theaters.?Inflation isn’t helping Netflix either. The high cost of food and gasoline has families cutting spending, and Netflix’s price increase at the start of 2022 may have brought attention to it as a potential budget cut.?
    In its Q1 2022 shareholder letter, the company mentioned the war in Ukraine as a major factor in subscriber loss. Netflix contends that suspension of its service in Russia resulted in a 700,000 net loss of global subscribers.
    As competitors like?Disney Plus,?HBO Max, Amazon Prime and?Hulu grow, more users might be considering canceling Netflix. If you’re ready to leave Stranger Things, Bridgerton, Russian Doll and Better Call Saul?behind, read on to learn how to easily cancel your Netflix account.
     How to cancel your Netflix subscription on your phone or tablet
    It’s easy to cancel your subscription on a computer (see the next section). Netflix makes it difficult to cancel your subscription on your phone and tablet, but there is a way to do it, although you won’t be using any of the official Netflix apps on the App Store or Play Store. Instead, you’ll need to use the web browser of your choice to cancel your Netflix account:
    1. Go to your web browser and sign in to your account. If you are redirected to the app, access the Netflix website in a private browser, which prevents redirecting from occurring.
    2. Tap the three-dash menu in the top left to open the side menu.
    3. Now hit Account.
    4. Scroll down and tap Cancel Membership, which you’ll find under Membership & Billing. The next page will notify you that your cancellation will be effective at the end of your current billing period.
    5. To cancel your Netflix subscription, tap the blue Finish Cancellation button.
    To cancel your Netflix account on mobile, you need to go to the website in your web browser.
    Nelson Aguilar/CNET How to cancel your Netflix subscription on your computer
    Canceling your Netflix subscription is much more straightforward on your computer. To start, simply open your preferred web browser and then follow these steps:
    1. Go to, sign in to your account and?choose a user. Don’t use a Kids account or else you won’t be able to access your account settings.
    2. Next, hover your mouse over the user icon in the top-right and click Account.
    3. Hit the Cancel Membership button.
    4. Finally, click the blue Finish Cancellation button.
    Ignore the offers on the right side if you’re intent on canceling your Netflix account.
    Screenshot by Jason Cipriani/CNET New Netflix subscription prices
    The price increases for the three tiers of Netflix’s streaming service that the company announced in January are now in effect for new subscribers and rolling out for existing Netflix customers. You may have received an email about the price hikes, but if you haven’t, here’s the latest price breakdown:
    Netflix price plans

Plan Old monthly price New monthly price Price increase
Basic $9 $10 $1
Standard $14 $15.49 $1.49
Premium $18 $20 $2


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